New Star Rating System

For years, we have been tossing around this idea, and the time just never seemed right. However, with the NCAA calendar and rule changes, coupled with the fact that the recruiting landscape has changed dramatically, we thought this was the time.

This philosophical change of direction is in response to several OnDeck parents asking the simple question – “How does my daughter measure up” – after our events. This projection gives the player and parent an idea of schools they could be targeting. Providing more information allows players to focus their recruiting to optimize their success. 

Starting with the Huntington Beach Jamboree and Rosetta Canyon Jamboree we will unveil our star rating system for players. While we have been rating each player since our very first report 19 years ago, those ratings were never made public. College coaches received them. Others did not.

Players in our Jamborees and Elite Camps will be given a star rating on their profile. Only rising freshman and older players will be given a rating. This gives younger players time to process and develop their game. These ratings are based on the player’s overall skill, athleticism and potential. Rankings can go up or down on a yearly basis depending on how the player has or has not progressed. FAQs

Like football and basketball, the ratings will be based on a 1* to 5* system. Each rating will be based on our view of that player at that point in her career and where we are projecting her to go.

It is very important to remember that the University of Alabama football program is filled with 2* and 3* players. Any player who can play Division 1 softball or start as a freshman at a college level program is really good. If we are rating you, then we feel you are a college level player.

These aren’t rankings, they are ratings. For example it is impossible for us to say that Kinsey Fiedler is the best 2021 SS, when we haven’t seen all the shortstops in her class. We can say, however, that Kinsey is a heck of a player and a 5* recruit. We are comfortable with that. So that is what our ratings are going to be all about. They won’t rank. They will rate.

We hope you will take this information and use it to get better. Will Kinsey ultimately be an All-American? No one knows until it happens. Certainly given hard work and the right situation, she has a chance. But other people grow. They mature. They make gains. It’s all part of the process. And we think our view of a player can ultimately aid that player and her family in that recruiting process.

For FAQs about the star rating, CLICK HERE


OnDeck helps high school softball players and college coaches connect. Our events give players ways to showcase their talent, and college coaches a venue to evaluate players across the country.

c1 Jamborees
& Elite Camps
c2 CoaCHES